5 Things to Trust When Homeschooling

Trust in Jesus

5 Things To Trust When Homeschooling

I’ve been praying a lot about trust lately, maybe you could tell by my recent posts? Today I thought I would talk about trust in teaching, more specifically for me, homeschooling.

*Quick disclaimer here – I want to preface this post by saying I don’t homeschool all of my children. Some of them are not able to be homeschooled at this time. I believe the way you school your child should be your discretion for each of your children. What’s right for one family is not necessarily right for another.

Homeschooling is not the easiest thing in the world but far from the hardest. When you add special needs into the mix of homeschooling, well it’s like the perfect storm. Hey storms are supposed to be weathered though, right?

This has been my first year in homeschooling, so I am by no means and expert but here are five light hearted things that I learned you can trust with homeschooling.

  1. Prayer – Yes, start everyday with prayer – shocker. Even if the prayer is for the Lord to let you and your child to both be alive at the end of the day. Seriously, I’ve been there. My children know how to press the temper button better than anyone I know.
  2. Plan – Plan your day, your week, and your month out. Then be prepared to scrap the whole thing and go with the flow of the day. It’s great to have a plan. Yet, Some days my children are just “off.” Especially dealing with my “sensory sensitive” children I need to recognize when they need to move more than sit and study. We always get to the studying but being flexible to their needs is a must if I want to keep my sanity. (I have so little sanity to spare)
  3. Don’t Compare – OK so you can have a few trusted friends that you talk about curriculum or specific problems your going through. Be careful not to compare though. All children learn differently. Let your child be your very own genius. This way you won’t force your child to be doing high school work before they can read.
  4. Funny Looks– Yes when you say you homeschool to a new person, you can trust that you will get a funny look. The words will vary depending on the person but the looks are pretty much the same. Just embrace it. “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” Jesus said in John 16:2 Funny looks or judgments about not sending your children to public school is nothing compared to what our Savior endured.
  5. Embrace change– Ok, so I spend weeks researching the perfect combination of curriculums for my first year. I was crazy. Comparing learning styles, prices, and materials. Even with all of my research the books I picked for history were not a good fit. He was slowly learning because he was bored to death (so was I). Don’t be afraid to change what is not working, before your child starts not liking a subject purely because of the curriculum you picked. Changing because something isn’t working is not the same as quitting.