My Night


My Night

Ok todays post is going to be quick and different. I was supposed to finish a post Wednesday but was feeling ill. So I went to bed. I learned three things that night that I’m going to share with you, I will tell you why. Then I’m going to take a nap.

1-Teaching your children from a young age WHEN and HOW to call 911.

2-Always have scripture or song with scripture memorized to either comfort yourself or someone else. Isaiah 41:10 is a perfect place to start.

3-Always wear matching pajamas. Ok that one is just a suggestion but you never know who will see them.

So Wednesday or rather Thursday morning my oldest son wakes me up because he has an ear ache. I proceed to get out of bed (not unusual for me, having five kids I get up quite a lot). I get the bottle of Advil out of the cabinet and I realize that I can’t read the words to find the right dose.

Right there I should have listened to my body. I thought I might just be too tired. I told him to wait a minute, to let me go to the bathroom and wake up a minute. I realized that I was feeling really nauseous.

In the bathroom I passed out…hard. I hit my head on the shower door. When I semi came to, I heard my name “Jennifer get up!” “Jennifer get up!” I realized I was bent over bleeding all over the floor and my hands, I needed to get help. I stumbled around the bathroom trying to get out. I briefly remember my son when I got out asking if I was ok? He is 7, he didn’t understand what was happening, he just saw a lot of blood.

I got to the kitchen (a whapping seven steps) and passed out again. My fifteen year old came down at that point. In and out of consciousness I was trying to say things, but I couldn’t get out but a word or two at a time.

My fifteen year old called my husband at work, who then told her to call 911 THEN call him back.

Both kids that were up were scared. It doesn’t matter how old you are, when your own Mom goes down it’s hard to handle.

I was trying to get Ashley (the fifteen year old) to give Tony (the 7 year old) medicine for his ear and to reassure him. Yes this is the true priorities of a mother – we cant help it.

There was blood everywhere.

Our town is strictly volunteer and the ambulance people don’t have to sleep at the ambulance bay so they take a while to get to a scene, not blaming them just trying to set the scene for you. My kids didn’t know what to do and I couldn’t tell them. Ashley kept trying to take my pulse and I was more worried about her and Tony. I still couldn’t move or talk and I was in and out of consciousness. The firefighter came first. He calmed everyone down just by being there. The ambulance came ten minutes after him.

I am grateful to the emergency workers. Their calmness and presence help my kids to hand over that burden of responsibility. The burden I never in my wildest dreams thought to prepare them for.

There are some jobs in this world that you can’t leave without finding a replacement – My husband is in one of those. He was able to call someone to replace him at 3am so he could meet me at the hospital.

In that time frame I was praying pleading with the Lord to be with me to help me. I sang “Bless the Lord oh my soul” Through all of the tests. I don’t know if it was out loud or in my head. But it still kept my mind where it needed to be – on the Lord.

My husband read me scripture from his wonderful Kindle App to calm me down during some of the more painful moments.

I ended up with six stitches in between my eyes, a minor concussion, and a lot of bruising.

Today – one day later – everything from my top lip up is swollen including my eyes. Sorry there is no proofing this post I can barely see to type. I’m in a lot of pain but I’m grateful that I’m here and that this mishap wasn’t worse.

I realized that I need to teach my kids about the specific times 911 is appropriate. I have always been there to make that call in the past. Most of the time I just put whatever child is hurt in the car and take them to the ER myself. It didn’t dawn on me that I might have to be the patient. We now understand that unconscious equals call 911 immediately. Especially if you’re in a town that it may take a while for people to get to you, every minute counts.

If you are ever alone with your kids – which all parents at some point are – go over with your kids calmly what to do in every situation, at every age, just in case. Even if they get old enough to roll their eyes at you, don’t lose heart still teach them.

Calling out to Jesus may get you some funny looks in the ER but it helps.

In the emergency room my husband, my rock, was shaken, he could only think of scripture that was not fitting to this situation. So he got out his app and read to me. Thank God he had his phone. At that time in your life you might not think about scripture. Hearing scripture can always be comforting. It’s important though to have a couple uplifting scriptures picked out before anything happens. You never know the time they may be fitting.

Hopefully this post makes sense. My apologies for the other post not being timely. As soon as my eyes can open and I can get on glasses I will get that post out!
