Greener Grass


Greener Grass

Have you ever heard the phrase “The grass is greener where you water it”?

Well now you have. I can’t remember who said that to me but I love the phrase. Think about it, instead of the grass is greener on the other side, the grass is greener where you water it.

I know all of you got it the moment you read it. For me I actually had to think about it a second, then my mind went down the rabbit hole about what that meant in my life. I had always heard the pessimistic phrase “The grass is greener on the other side” not “The grass is greener where you water it.”

It’s a simple statement but so true.

If I want my family to be loving and caring I need to invest the time into those things.

If I want my kids to grow up to be loving productive people I need to spend the time. When lovingly teaching them these things that are important, sometimes I need to do the least fun thing a mom has to do and discipline them.

“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,

And do not lose heart when he rebukes you,

Because the Lord disciplines the one he loves,

And He chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Hebrews 12: 5-6

Part of a parent’s job is coming up with an appropriate consequence for breaking rules. It’s usually not fun and it can be very tricky depending on what it is. I’ve been coming up with a creative discipline ideas and found that no matter what you come up with the discipline has to make sense for the “crime.”

Like when they get caught in a lie, or even worse they get caught in a lie and they still won’t confess and repent. It’s so frustrating and heartbreaking. As a parent you can’t just let it go. If you love your child and you want them to learn right from wrong you have to spend the time to teach them.

God does the same with us through our whole lives so that we may learn.

The bible goes on to say in Hebrews 12:7-

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as His children.

For what children are not disciplined—

and everyone undergoes discipline—

then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all.

Moreover, we have all had human fathers

who disciplined us and we respected them for it.”

Yes he said respect, so the discipline we give to our children leads to respect. Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch I’m not talking about beating your kids. I’m talking about giving your child an appropriate consequence so they start to think about their actions before they do something.

For instance if they have a problem hitting, then put their hands to work by weeding the garden, even a young child can weed under supervision.

After the discipline ends you get to do the best thing for a parent and show them how much you love them. Tell them you love them despite of whatever punishment they just got. There is a fine balance in there but children need both discipline and love.

Never assume your children know you love them especially after a particularly hard day. You need to tell them and show them that you love them.

If you put in the time to direct your children they will not wander. Your family will be your “greener grass.”

These Are The Good Ol Days

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,

for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Each day has enough troubles of it’s own.”

Matthew 6:34

Will I look back and think “those were the good ol’ days”???

That thought makes me want to cry.

Today was a day in an on-going battle to potty train (or “trip train” as the school calls it) my six year old. Yup you read that right my six year old. She may never be able to be fully potty trained but I’ll keep praying.

Anyway, so she went number one today in the potty and not even fifteen minutes after that a number two not in the potty.

Will I look back and think this was “small potatoes” compared to what my future has to hold?

Should I love that my two year old is taking everything off the counters and throwing it one the ground – breakable or not?

What if this really is “living the dream” for me?

I’m missing it by changing my twelve thousandth diaper. I’m missing it by wiping my twenty thousandth spill.

I stop for a moment and watch my children play so nicely, and turn around and find Kathy trying to eat a marker that her baby brother opened for her! – Another moment.

I’ll stop and notice Anthony taking the time to find two shoes that match for Bella, then turn around and find Kathy trying to eat Nico’s hair yet again.

Then Nico gets into the baby powder…. the result of that is the picture above.

Will I miss this? Some of these moments I will cherish in my heart forever. This time in my life though, seems to be constantly interrupted.

I keep holding my breath and waiting for the day I can breathe just a little.

What if what I’m waiting for is not what I think it is?

What if these really are the good ol’ days and I need to be enjoying every second!

Every moment is a blessing, every moment is a moment I was given.

Like it or not.

It’s my life.

Someday when my kids are grown. I will look back and think about where the time went. Raising children is not for the faint of heart. When I think of my oldest going to college in a couple of years, I realize these ARE the good old days.

Before I know it my kids will be grown and have their own families.

I love the days that we are all home together cuddling on the couch. I love the laughs. I could leave the cries and the fighting but that’s part of our story.

The reference “the good ol’ days” makes me think that every moment is supposed to be good and easy.

In fact, that’s not what that phrase means at all. The “good ol days” can be filled with good and with mess.

I love these days. I will miss them. When my children are grown I will love those days too but nothing will be the same as these good ol days.

Look With Your Eyes Open


“Look with your eyes open” That’s one of my most common phrases. I just can’t help myself, when my kids are standing on-top of what they are looking for, and can’t find it. It seems ridiculous to me that they can’t find the shoes that are right on the shoe rack! “No not the bottom shelf the top shelf! Right there! Ug.”

It’s so frustrating that on a daily basis I have conversations about telling them to use their eyes as they look for something. I know my mom had this same conversation with me when I was young, as do most moms. The fight is real.

I’m not sure if we are just more observant as adults, or if it was all the conversations that our mothers had with us to “look with your eyes open” as kids, that makes us more able to find things. Whichever the case, someday I think my kids will be able to find their own shoes. I really hope for their future spouse’s sake too.

In the fight of teaching kids how to find things, I was humbled. I started wondering how many times Father God has wanted to say to us, “Jenny the path is right in front of you. No, right in front of…”

Let’s be honest, we aren’t always the most observant when God is trying to point something out to us, at least I’m not. Sometimes God has had to hit me upside the proverbial head to get my attention. Then as I’m rubbing my head thinking “ok ok, I know, I’ve got it now,” I still can question my next step.

The path seems to be right in front of me when I’m paying attention. When I let the outside world distract me, that broad path God provides seems to be lost.

Just like when my kids are concentrating on what they are trying to find, miraculously, they can find it. Although, when they let what’s going on around them start influencing their concentration. It’s a lost cause.

The easiest way to hear from God and where your path should be is daily prayer. Stay focused on God and you will always be able to find your path. Easier said than done, I know. Just think how hard it is for a five year old to find what is right in front of them. We need to give our kids gentle guidance as our Father has given us.