Time With Jesus

Psalm 5  Morning

Being a mom of little ones, well even my middle ones, heck being a person of today; it’s sometimes hard to make time for Jesus. I find that if I wake up early (before my little ones, but after my teenager) and get right to my bible study, my day goes a lot smoother.

However, lately, after a night of waking up with kiddos I tend to want to soak up every last minute of sleep. That is usually the biggest mistake of my day. It causes a domino effect for the rest of the day.

Rushing around to get the girls ready for their buses. Then getting my son ready for a day of homeschooling and chasing my toddler around to keep him out of… just everything. My day turns into a fiasco.

It amazes me how the snooze button decision fills me with regret before 8am.

A little time with Jesus. That’s all I need to get my day turned in the right direction.

I tell myself on these days that I will have my quiet time with Jesus after the kids get to bed. Yet usually at that time I start zoning out the moment I try to read. My tired Mommy brain has caught up to me.

Maybe you are more of a night person than I am. I use to be that way. Lately I find myself really needing that quiet time before the craziness starts. I need my time with Jesus.

He gives me the strength to get through the turns of the day, and all the messes my children can throw at me. Yes they really do throw me quite a lot of messes.

I challenge you all to join me no matter when your time with Jesus is; morning, noon, or night. I challenge you to spend a few moments with Jesus every day and see how that really can help you get through this demanding world.

6 thoughts on “Time With Jesus

  1. I take up your challenge! This year I challenged myself to read the Bible when my daughter is awake so she can learn the good habits of a Christian woman. While my time with the Lord is precious, so is my time with my daughter so we have a devotional that we do together. Sadly, because of time (and because she lost the power cord to the Kindle!), we haven’t done it lately, but I’m going to take it up again. My time with the Lord is so precious and so important because I am a busy woman, and you are so right in saying that it certainly dictates the rest of the day.


  2. This is awesome and so inspiring! I only have a 5 month old, but I’ve noticed how even one little one can take up a lot of time especially when you feel the need to clean whenever he’s asleep. He wakes up at 7am so for his morning bottle we read a devotion together. It also helps me to read it aloud. This is great!


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