As Stubborn as a Mule?

Who ever made up that saying “As stubborn as a mule” has apparently never met my four year old.

Every day her unwavering attitude astounds me! Just today I hear Japanese on the TV. Now my children do not know Japanese so I went in the living room to see what they were watching. It was a cartoon with subtitles. No problem. Though three of the children in the room can not read, so that’s a small issue.

The conversation went like this
Me- “Why don’t you find a show that you and your siblings can understand?”
4 year old- “I can understand it!”
Me- ” What are they saying?”
4 year old – ” I Can understand it!!”
Me – “Then what are they saying?”
4 year old -” The words on the tv!”
( Yes I know she wasn’t wrong but that’s not the point!)
Me -“You can not watch a show you don’t understand. No one in here speaks Japanese so pick a different show.”
4 year old – ” I can speak Japanese!”

At this point I end it by telling her to change it or I’m turning it off. That does the trick. Yet I still feel defeated. This little stubborn four year old made me tired of arguing so I had to go in for the threat! I always pictured myself being a gentle mom that explains everything to their children so they will understand. But in this moment I see a rabbit hole that I must not go down. Many conversations with her are surrounded by her lying to try and “win” the conversation. Once she digs her heals in she is “as stubborn as a mule”

I know my challenge as her mother is to curb that tenacious attitude toward good and not evil but man do I have my work cut out for me!