
Seriously is a question I ask myself at least a hundred times a day. “Did my three year old Seriously just say that?” “Seriously does my fourteen year old not understand how to hang up her jacket!?” “Seriously, my six year old just tripped his sister and thought he wouldn’t get in trouble?” “Did my four year old SERIOUSLY just pee on the floor?” I digress…..

You get the picture. The world seriously is seriously overused in my head and my vocabulary. These “serious” questions tend to stress me out, though I don’t dwell on whatever question I just asked all the sarcastic or negative thinking really can tire a person out! At the end of the day when I think of all the “serious” questions I asked myself I ask myself one more “serious” question – whatever happened was it worth me getting frustrated over? Was it worth me showing my kids impatience? The answer is no. I hit this rock bottom realization when my cute little three year old, Bella, asked her brother in the most sarcastic tone “seriously” after he dropped and broke a pumpkin. Purely accidental on his part and instead of asking if he was all right or if he needed help. She asked him “Seriously?”

I realized my huge error! Where I thought I was someone being funny somewhat be “serious” one thing I was not being was a role model. It is amazing how our kids can teach us lessons that we should really already know. Now to challenge myself to try and get rid of this “serious” train of thought!   

2 thoughts on “Seriously

  1. Sometimes our children are little reflections of who we are, oftentimes without us even knowing it until we reflect on what they are doing and realize that they are ultimately imitating us. You have at least made this realization and want to do something about it, and that awareness makes you a better parent!


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