Thou Shalt Not Whine

Thou shalt not whine is the eleventh commandment in our house. However, it is by far the one most trampled on! We are a God loving family made up of love and complication. This blog is my way of sharing some humor, tears, and hopes of a military wife and an infertile mother of five wonderful children. How was I blessed with five kids? Well there are some great stories, but the simplest way to explain it is my oldest is through marriage, and the four younger are biological siblings, to each other, through adoption. My middle daughter was diagnosed with Autism which has made a new parenting learning curve for us. The ages of my children keep my husband and I on our feet. They are 18 months, 3 yrs, 4 yr, 6 yrs, and 14 yrs.  It’s all beautiful and messy and just sometimes the one caught Whining is me!

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